venerdì 16 luglio 2010

XenServer 5.6 How To Backup VMs on a windows share

To Backup one XenServer VMs on a windows share, first we need to mount the windows share on the XenServer.

This is done at XenServer command line interface level.
Ssh connect to XenServer and create the needed directory (I call it backup)

[root@XenServer /]#mkdir /backup

next step is to mount the windows share (windows machine is and the share name is ttm) in the brand new backup directory:

[root@XenServer /]#mount -t cifs // -o username=user,password=password /backup

be sure that your windows box ip address matches and please note that cifs requires slashes and not backslashes, so the correct symbol is '/'

If everything went ok, we should be able to verify the mounted share:

[root@XenServer /]#mount | grep backup
// on /backup cifs (rw,mand)

We are now ready to export VMs on a windows share.
This is done by the following command

[root@XenServer /]#xe vm-export vm=vmname filename=/backup/vmname.xva

WARNING! - If you did it via ssh, DO NOT close the ssh terminal, 'cause this would stop the export process

after the process is started nothing happen on the xenserver console, but if you check the windows directory the .xva file should be present and groving

when export process succeed the following message is printed

[root@XenServer /]#Export succeeded

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